Sunday, October 30, 2005

Addendum - ON@TCC

Attended a talk by Chetan Bhagat today. He's promoting his second book "One night at the call center"
I bought both his books and got them autographed too !
Posts on the books after I finish reading them first....after my Mid terms.

My earlier post (in which Chetan is mentioned is here )
Chetan's Website is here

Coming now to his talk...

He spoke on the 4Ps of marketing books in India. 95 bucks (Price) , Coffee shops, launches, Bookstores (Place) , countless interviews and promos (like this one, i guessed) (Promotion)
and His "insightful" book (Product)
Couldnt quite figure out how it fitted in though...

Also spoke on the "Book publishing in India" and the difficulties involved in getting a good book published in our country at a reasonable price. Must agree with him compelely here.

He did go a bit overboard with his take on how the IITJEE is being made simpler this year because the IITK chaps read his book and the pressures on the IITians.

Also a lot of gyan , on "following your heart" and "doing what you like" and the old be-patient-the-money-will-come etc.

Anyways a welcome change for me from my usual mugging schedule . Will post later on this and others soon.

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